These are common phrases that we have heard and said many times.
But I bet many of these simple expressions are really never heard.
Words uttered because they are the right thing to say at appropriate times.
What is their true meaning?
The words hold great value as they slip easily off of ones’ tongue.
It is the uncle you remember fondly that slipped you some change when you were a kid and visited from out of town. Never to think that one day he would no longer be there.
Or while growing up you were not as blessed as others with material things or did not grow up in a structured family unit. That old junker of a car would start in the morning for your mom to take you to the school and you thought “Man, this is going to be a good day”.
The times you were with your friends and basked in that carefree feeling, you were in the moment and it was pure joy. Believing it would never end. Never imagining that the in the next years some of those close friends would be gone, some leaving the world way too young and taking your heart with them.
You work your whole life to achieve financial security; then blindsided, you lose everything.
Have you ever walked down the street tired, unsure of where life was taking you and you sneeze? A stranger says “God Bless You”. You immediately react, maybe even feel a little better. You may even realize that a positive thing happened.
Ever been to a grocery store when your favorite items are on sale? Feel a little better?
How about looking for a parking place and settling a parking space that’s quite a distance from the store. You may find yourself feeling frustrated or resentful but then you see someone pull into a handicap spot and you know that perhaps that person would love to have a further spot if they were physically well enough to walk the long distance without pain.
When these simple words are uttered by you or by someone else, don’t let the words fall on deaf ears. Instead look above and be thankful because these are the little ways you are blessed every day.
Maybe negative things that happen are a preparation for a more positive future; it’s not ours to push, it’s his to decide.
Be Patient! Count Your Blessings! Give Thanks!